
Gif - Don't make her choose. Share.

Don't make her choose. Share.


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Commentos (19)

I’m not even sure if I’m allowed to play
Do you want to?
XD right back at you do you?
I asked first :p
I do, but I think you don’t I feel like I have to be careful what I say or do or you will be gone again.
Not this time. I'm going to do what I was doing before you came along. Of course you feature heavily in my fantasies bit you don't feature in all of them. I made you too central to my thinking, that's no longer true.
You are still the hottest woman on here by miles, I'd still love to bend you over and pound the fuck out of you but it almost stopped being a game and when that stops the fun won't last long afterwards
I want to have fun with you. Nothing more nothing less and if I feel like flirting with other women, I will (I stopped doing that). The way you do with th other guys
Hmmm I’m not sure what you are trying to say here. Do you want to stop? Or is it bothering you I’m flirting with other guys? I thought you felt restricted by my romantic nature so I focused more on the others. I didn’t mean to exclude you I thought I was
You were so scared I wanted a relationship with you I tried to prove I don’t. And I don’t but I did enjoy you were my special one with our boards sharing our fantasies exclusively for each other. But then suddenly you left because you felt I wanted more w
If it’s bothering you I flirt with others just tell me it’s not that important to me. I do feel I have friends on here and I want to keep talking to them. And if people comment me I feel I should answer and I really like that
..but I wouldn’t do it in a flirty way if that bothers you I don’t mean to make a point with it. But if you are trying to say that it just doesn’t feel like fun for you anymore and you want to stop then you should tell me to so I know you don’t want me he
fricker no more
Ugh my comments got cut in half again I hope you understand what I mean
I don't mind you flirting with other people. Quite the contrary
I want to share fantasies with and flirt and for it to be fun. That's it. That's all I ever wanted. If you're good with that, happy days.
You're free to do what you like, same applies to me. Our connection is what it is, but that shouldn't exclude having shits and giggles with other people
I made a board a board just for fun you can play with me on it if your still hot for me. I will keep having” shits” with others as should you;)
Deal! Should we shake on it? Or 69 on it?
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